A Look Into Kenny's Life

Friday, March 24, 2006

Well, Yeah.

today was really weird....
i got to work @ 10:30am...I started @11 and worked until 6pm. Now, work was going good, until this happened. There was a lady in line, who collapsed and had a seizure. Our manager didn't know what to do...so I called 911 and was got the paramedics there...duh!! Which really threw the lobby into a tizzy!! And then it was just really crazy to figure out where we were in the list of orders!! Our lobby emptied!! The paramedics got there 5 minutes later...and took care of her...but the whole ordeal took 35 minutes!!! They took her out and took her to the hospital which was only 2 mins down the road...and with all the ambulances there and the fire and rescue vehicles in the parking lot....traffic was a mess!! The people didn't know where to go for the drive-thru!! So I had to go out and direct traffic!!! It was crazy!!! Please pray that everything is ok with the lady...she was none responsive when we were talking to her and when the paramedics were talking to her...her daughters were freaking out...so please pray for them as well...the come into McD's all the time!!

Other than that....things here are great!! We had another lenten service...at the Baptist church down the road...88 people were there...IT WAS GREAT!!!! The youth band played again...and we led the congregation in worship with 8 SONGS!!!! We're also playing at the next one at the Christian Church down the road next Tuesday!! 8 MORE SONGS!!! Pray for the next lenten service that everything will be great and GOD WILL MOVE IN OUR AREA!!!!!

Well, I gotta get up @ 7am tomorrow....so talk to you all soon, and goodnight....TALK TO ME!!!!

(Check out my family's blog....the link on the left side of the page....My brother had his first shaving lesson!!! I'm getting old...hehehe)

Also please pray for the CWC youth group....they were in an accident on Sunday and Jason was knocked out....he got a concussion and jon has been diagnosed with post-concussion disorder which really made him dizzy....and the teens are going through alot...so just keep everyone in your prayers!!!

21 days!!!!!

Friday, March 17, 2006

EXALT! 2005 Friends of God Tour!

I FINALLY got the CD!!! The EXALT! CD came 2 weeks ago...and I have listened to the CD !!TONS!! of times!! The CD sounds better than I thought!! The songs are so awesome!! I'm sorry EXALTERS, that I didn't post sooner!!! But, as you can see....yeah. I've been busy.

Ok..."All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name." we sound ok....not as good as I thought at first..but then again we didn't record it around the congregation. "Prepare the Way" WE SOUND GREAT!! I hear every part!! "Friend of God." Some of the others that I've talked to have said that this song was doctored...but it does sound a little better!! "Lord, You're Holy." We sound PHENOMINAL!!!! I LOVE IT!! It's probably my 2nd favorite song on the CD!! "Who Am I?" This song is probably in my opinion the one with the best vocals on it! We sound awesome! "Rejoice, the Lord is King" We knew the song better than I thought we would! Candace is an awesome drummer!! Thank you so much for your ministry to us and those that'll listen to the CD from now on!! "Shout For Joy to the Lord" I think we sound great for this being the alumni song...it'll always be remembered with Dave's motions of the doo-doot! "Hallelujah, Praise the Lord" this one rivals 'Who Am I?" Again, GREAT job guys!! 'Let There Be Joy!" Ok...so I'm partial to this one, but we did ok...I didn't hear the TENORS!!!! "Friend of a Wounded Heart" Ashley, as always, you sound awesome! Our entrance on the chorus is awesome!! Dave, supurb directing!
"Lord Have Mercy" This is an awesome worship song, and I believe that there was an awesome impact on the congregations we served and ministered to. David, your vocals are tremendous!! you are an awesome tenor and you have great patience and disipline, keep it up!!! Don't lose sight of your abilities!! And FINALLY! "We Have Overcome!" This was my favorite song on the CD!! It is an awesome song done by The BTC!!! Austin, you are phenominal. As I've said before, keep the will of God as your CENTER focus, which i know you will..you're a pillar of the EXALT! choir, dude! I'll see you later in the ministry!! Choir!! WE DID AWESOME!! This song was a great ending to the service! Tenors, we were strong!!

Dave, I want to thank you for the chance to worship, lead, and serve the body of believers and those still searching!! Thank you for all the time and effort you put into EVERYTHING!!! Exalters, I hope someday we can get together and sing together again!!

To order the EXALT! 2005 Friends of God Tour CD... go to the Bethany Bible College website and click on the EXALT! link on the left side of the bar.

$12.99 USA funds, $15.99 Canada funds

Thanks guys!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Hey Guys....is me....finally...Well.....

First of all, as you all saw...I got my first flat tire. I sorta came to close to the curb...and my hub cap fell off the rim and I had to chase it actually...and it punctured the side of my tire. You can see everythingelse about that in the previous post.

Well, only a few select people know this next one....I was pulled over...by a New York State Trooper...he clocked me @ 75mph in a 55 mph zone...whoops. BUT I DIDN"T GET A TICKET FOR THAT!!!! When the cop pulled me over...he asked me for my license and registration....(proof of insurance is not needed here!), and I gave it to him, of course. Then he came back with the registation...ok you all know...my name is Kenneth Davis, JR. My Dad's name is Kenneth Davis...the cop asked me if he was my dad...hmmm..SR...JR....you figure that one out!! Anyway...he then came back and only cited me for not having a NY state license....I got off on the speeding ticket....My parents and I have been around and around with the DMV about my license...but there are still discrepincies with that!!

Ok...We had a community lenten service...two tuesdays ago. It was the first one...and it happened to be a youth service!! Our church hosted it...so we gathered a bunch of teens...(and an older guy....hehehe) for a youth band and we rocked the place!!! We were packed!! We had 94 people!!! It was awesome!!! For more info click on the link to my church's youth group on the side of the screen!!

Work is going good....I've been really busy though....that's why I haven't posted here for along time!!! Sorry everyone!!! (Lyndzy...you need to post!!!)

Well...I gotta go...its after midnight...and i work at 7am tomorrow...(and my mom's looking over my shoulder...hehehe she's horrible!!! criticing my everymove...see I spelled it worng and she's laughing at me!!! pay backs are sweet...and I ain't done yet!!!!)

So goodnight to everyone....

29 days!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Kenny's First Flat Tire

Hi! This is Kenny's mom! I wanted to share a couple pictures of Kenny changing his first flat!

This is what happens when you misjudge the distance to the curb and pop your tire!

Kenny receives guidance from his father who received guidance from HIS father! Many nights have been spent like this in the Davis family!

The lugnuts were put on with a power wrench and it makes it VERy difficult to break them. Couple that with the spare being rusted into the trunk and you get 2 guys using every ounce of muscle and strength to get it all loose! Putting on the spare wasn't a problem at all.

Friends, please inform Kenny that if you ever have a flat tire and need to leave it on the side of the road for a while, DO NOT PARK IT IN FRONT OF A FIRE HYDRANT!!

Luckily Kenny didn't get a ticket for parking there and his car wasn't towed. It was there over 5 hours! On the main street in town! God had mercy on this one!

Email Kenny and let him know how blessed he is! Then ask him about being pulled over last week!

Love you, Kenny! I'm the Momma! Gotta love me!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Well, Monday morning was VERY COLD!!! It was -26 degrees when I went to work...and my car would not start!!!! So, my mom had to take me to work!!! But my dad worked on it and it started up during the day!! It's been really cold, but not to much snow!!! We had a dusting last night...but there wasn't much at all!!!
Tuesday we had youth meeting. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!! (Great Song by the way....) We had 17 teens!!! It was awesome!! Check out our youth blog, http://impactyouthministry.blogspot.com. Things are going great with the youth ministry. We went tubing last week which was really sweet!!! I had never gone tubing before...I was really sore afterwards!!!
Today I worked from 11-4pm and came home and went to evening church, our prayer meeting. We're talking about the Old Testement Tabernacle. There are alot of things that I never new!!
Tomorrow I am off the entire day!!! I can't wait!!! I'll have time to work on my guitar and piano stuff!!! (One certain song, though!!!)
44 Days!!!!